VANCOUVER, British Columbia--The underdog US Hockey team pulled out a surprising victory against the Canadian team on Sunday, winning 5-3 on the strength of a strong performance by goalie Ryan Miller and some clutch play by veterans Chris Drury and Brian Rafalski. The gritty, gutsy victory was so impressive that the Canadian fans in attendance, won over by the Americans’ sheesr grit determination, were chanting “USA! USA!” when the clock hit zero.

Afterward, fans exiting the arena sang the praises of the boys from America.

“At first I was angry that the Americans were beating us, but by the end I was cheering for them madly,” said Claire Babcock, 32, of Toronto. “The way they fought hard and refused to be intimidated by our star power was really inspirational. They represent everything that is right about international competition. And so I say, with a proud voice and with my fellow Canadians joining in: God bless America.”

When the game ended, many Canadians stayed to watch the Americans celebrate.

“I just didn’t want to leave at that moment. I wanted to soak it all in,” said 42-year-old Claude Cole, a Vancouver resident. “Watching them congratulate each other, watching them celebrate like children - it brought out the little kid in me. I had to wipe away a tear, to be honest. Hats off to you, America! ‘I pledge allegiance!’ or whatever you guys say.”

The crowd began to turn in the third period as U.S. goalie Ryan Miller made save after save against a relentless Canadian attack. The first chants of “USA!” started with a few minutes left in the game and reached a roaring crescendo when Ryan Kesler scored an empty net goal to secure the victory.

On his way off the floor, Miller grabbed a microphone and addressed the crowd.

“Thank you for your support. It’s a beautiful thing to see all you folks cheering for us. It’s not something we expected, but it goes to show that the virtues of hard work, grit, and determination transcend national boundaries and unite us all. Truly this is a victory for everyone. Today, we are all Americans.”

So what’s next for Olympic hockey? Will Canadian fans go back to rooting for their national heroes, or have they turned permanently in favor of the Americans?

“I will still root for the Canadian team because they are my countrymen,” said Cole. “However, if the Americans win I won’t be upset at all. I am a hockey fan first and foremost and the Americans play good hockey. Whoever wins, I’m just hoping that they can summon the determination and heart to crush the Russians and slam Alexander Ovechkin’s fat head into the ice until they’re ankle-deep in blood.”


















Copyright 2010, The Brushback - Do not reprint without permission. This article is satire and is not intended as actual news.










U.S. Hockey Team Wins Over Canadian Fans With Stirring Victory

February 22, 2010           
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