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KANSAS CITY--With his hopes of being traded to the Miami Dolphins starting to fade, Chiefs quarterback Trent Green feels like the odd man out in Kansas City. While Brodie Croyle has been pegged as the starter and Damon Huard his backup, Green is left to lobby for his release so he can pursue employment somewhere else.

But coach Herm Edwards insists that there is a place for Green on his squad - as the third string quarterback.

“To say that Trent Green is the odd man out here is ludicrous,” Edwards said Monday. “Just because the trade with Miami hasn’t worked out doesn’t mean we’re just going to cut him loose. No sir. We need Trent right here and we plan to keep him. He is the front runner – that’s right, the top dog – to take over as the backup to our backup quarterback. So this situation isn’t nearly as dire as everyone is making it out to be. Come this season, you’ll be seeing plenty of Trent Green, especially if you’re a receiver on the practice squad or a clipboard.”

Edwards was quick to point out the importance of a third string quarterback for a football team.

“We all know that injuries play a big part in this league,” Edwards said. “Hell, every year there are a whole bunch of quarterbacks who go down. So who steps in if Brodie gets hurt? Damon Huard. And who comes in if Damon Huard gets hurt? Trent Green, of course. And again: he’s the frontrunner, which means the job is his to lose. That’s just a sign of how much we respect what he’s done for us over the years.”

Green has been frustrated with the lack of progress on the trade front ever since he refused to take a pay cut after Damon Huard was signed to a $7.5 million deal. He was then given permission to seek a trade with another team and found an interested party in the Miami Dolphins. However, the Chiefs and Dolphins haven’t been able to come to an agreement.

Now Green is hoping for his release, but the Chiefs are hesitant to cut him loose without getting something in return.

“Cut me, trade me, do something,” Green told reporters on Monday. “Just don’t leave me in limbo like this. For God’s sake, why can't these two retards come to an agreement? A fourth rounder, a fifth rounder – what’s the difference? Pick up the phone, make the deal, and make everybody in this situation happy. I have no interest in hanging out here and being the third string quarterback, and I don’t want to be a mentor to some nobody turd-burglar who wasn’t even that great in college. What’s that? No, I don't have anything against Brodie Croyle. He's a great kid. I was talking about...somebody else.”

Green feels that he would fit right in with the Dolphins now that Cam Cameron has taken over as head coach.

“Cam and I go way back and I’d jump at the chance to play for him again,” said Green. “I would be happy to engage in a fair competition for the starting job, especially since my competition would be John Beck and Daunte Culpepper, the only quarterback on earth who is more worn down than me. Winning the job over those two would be like shooting fish in a barrel if the barrel had no water in it and the fish were the size of tunas and already dead. Still, I won ’t take anything for granted.”

Unfortunately for Green, the clock is ticking on the offseason and he will soon be faced with a decision: attend camp as a third string quarterback, or refuse to show up and risk tarnishing his image.

“It’s a tough call,” he said. “On the one hand I have no interest in being here. On the other hand it’s against my nature to refuse to show up for camp. Maybe I should just show up at Dolphins camp. I’m sure the Dolphins wouldn’t care, and coach Edwards probably wouldn’t even notice until he tried to hand the clipboard to me and it fell to the ground.”

Copyright 2007, The Brushback - Do not reprint without permission.
This article is satire and is not intended as actual news.

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Herm Edwards Insists Green Still In Running To Be Third String Quarterback

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